Thursday, 3 September 2009

Itsy - Bity Spider went up the water spout ...

Sorry (again) for the lack of posts - I've been really busy being back at school again. Anyway I've seemed to run out of places to do mildly interesting photo shoots, and it was too cold to go to a overgrown area of grass just down my road - so I decied to bring my camera down the the cellar, I do love it down there. It's basically a mess full of my Dad's unused DIY kits, boxes full of junk, lightbulbs, slightly sinicter looking soars hanging on the un-painted bricks, despite all this, the narrow little room under my house is rather cosy, and the pictures didn't turn out too bad either ...

(the navy dress is from a uniqlo sale, a bargain five pounds (!!!), my Mum's vintage Pied A Terre cardigan, and the usual pearls which I seem to feel naked without and of course my very much loved lace up heeled black booties)

This hasn't been the most detailed blog post but there should be some good ones soon, I'm planning to do something to do with london fashion week, there's also another Anita's vintage fashion fair coming up and I should be going to Camden in a couple of weeks time.
I hope your weeks were a little better than mine?
Anyway, to finish off here are a few little drawings of mine, they're a little pixelated, thats me trying to make them bigger actually on the post rough, but it didn't seem to work, however if you click on the pictures they should enlarge and become a bit clearer.
Au reviour,


  1. Great idea as a location for a shoot!
    My latest happened to be a cornfield..Haha.
    I really like the photos, and that dress is so gorgeous! And don't get me started on your exceedingly lovely booties :)
    I loved the last post too with the balloo. I would have commented sooner, but back to school and all that stuff has got in the way for everyone it seems.

  2. love the pictures!
    Maybe we can exchange link?

  3. love the shots!

    -N + K

  4. hi there:)beautiful outfit,love the, the second drawing reminds me of something...a character from a movie/cartoon?love it, anyway:)have a lovely day.

  5. A cellar is an awesome place for a mini photoshoot.. Have I ever mentioned how much I love your hair? Don't ever alter it as it's already fabulous!

  6. Really cute photos, love the montages x

  7. your pictures and drawings are fantastic, and I love your blog! I'd love it if you'd follow mine :-)

  8. a character from a movie/cartoon?love it, anyway:)have a lovely day.

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  9. There really cute drawings :)

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