Good evening my darlings!
As you have probably guessed from my opening sentance that I am a little hyper which is odd seeing as I have had a pretty crap day. Some friends are really upset at the moment and there has been a lot of crying, hugging and general awkwardness at school and I felt pretty depressed but now my happiness that we actually have sun in England has caught up with me!
In my last post, (I sound like I'm writing an essay), I did promise a photoshoot of my party outfit and pressents but as I can't be bothered and I don't think that you guys really care, I am lazily breaking my pathetic oath. Heat makes me lazy, blame the sun!
I have discovered my creative side. Well actually I already have a creative side, art and descriptive writing are my only strong points, I guess I have found another side of my creative side. Confusing, huh?
I have discovered that I can be let alone with a pair of scissors and my Mum's old floral longsleeves top and not make a complete mess of things - which for me is rare. I remember when I was camping and someone tried to teach me to juggle, that person came home with alot of brusies, come to think of it so did I but I'm going off subject ...
My Mum is 'spring cleaning' and was just about to throw out loads of her old clothes but me, being a cheapskate, wanted to rumpage around for a new wardrobe than spending my birthday money on new clothes as I quite like the feeling of being rich! - forty pounds to me IS rich!
I didn't find much, sadly, but I did find this pink and white floral top, I really liked the pattern on it but it had longsleeves with a different pattern on which I absolutly hated. Without properly thinking it through I cut off the sleeves and after admiring my handy-work, I tried on my new-short-sleeved top.
It's a little on the big side but looks good tucked into my vintage red-polka dotted shorts. I must say I looked like a 50s pin-up girl (in a good way though as I like vintage/retro pin-up girls) ...

My friend, (who I actually did my party with) - shes called Amalie by the way and I love her lots - in a non-lesbian way of course .... Well, Amalie always wears tops as skirts, her excuse is that she needs more skirts! So I tried her technique and decided that the floral top looks alot better as a high-waised pencil skirts.
I even wore it today, without tights, although I would wear it out with tights (probably white tights), and I was shocked about how pale my legs were. I guess thats one of the cons about being 'ginger'. Need to buy some subtle fake-tan. Any suggestions?

Ok, so maybe I'm not totally lazy, I think I can manage a discription of my favourite pressies. Or maybe I just want to boast about them?
- if any of you who read are fans of paramore - you may think about how much I was screaming, jumping, crying, smiling, looking like a retard, when I got a paramore hat. And not just any paramore hat - you know the one that Hayle wears in 'decode'? (of course you don't know - no one has even heard of paramore), its that! a.k.a. a deep-purple cable-knit beanie hat with a bobble ontop, with a cute paramore label to finsish it off! Thankyou Ella x
- I've been wanting a necklace from topshop for ages now - its a three-in-one chain from topshop with a swallow, horse and key pendant - but I always put it down when I got in the pay-cheque because I thought eight pounds was too much for a necklace when I am always broke and even one pound makes me feel lucky! But I got it and I wear it with EVERYTHING! yay
- I also got a really cute heart-shaped chalk-board complete with crayola (!!!) dust-free (!!!) coloured (!!!) chalks! I think this pressent is so sweet and I'm trying to get everyone to sign it - the problem is, I don't really want to write on the board and then spoil it - this is how pathetic I am!
- Finally, wow. I love wierd, old music - like the Who, David Bowie, etc. I love the Smiths too. Quick Smiths lesson - morrisey was the lead singer who liked to wear geek glasses, hearing aids and flowers in his back pocket and their music and lyrics was so quirky and amazing - check out 'this charming man' and 'theres a light which never goes out'. Anyway, someone got me a photography book about them and it's amazing. I've already read it dry like five times! And I am going to scan in some of my favourite pics!
I have written too much. again
Hope your all enjoying the good weather while it lasts, apparently its ment to rain tommorrow :(