Saturday, 18 July 2009

Like a sour cherry cake ...

This has been one of those days where everything you think is about to go wrong goes right, really right. First of all, I woke up to find I had ten (yes, ten!) comments on my previous post, and they were all so lovely and made me smile like an idiot. Can I just mention that you all have amazing, unique, cute blogs too!I went to my Grandad's house today, had a swim in his pool (and showed of my new, kooky bikini), and then I played croquet with my sister and her friend. And no, I did not play it with hedgehogs and flamingos and yell 'off with her head!' the whole time. However I have discovered that I am the worst croquet player in all history and that I am a danger when holding one of the bat, sticky things.

Another lovely thing is that I found a dress in my attic which I was imidiatly drawn to because it was retro, floral and above all, granny-ish. Turns out it was a dress my Mum wore when she was a bridesmaid when she was around my age. I tried it on and it looked ridiculous.


But I've changed the neckline and made it shorter - with my trusty, orange fabric scissors and now it looks a little less garish and very cute with a my polka-dot heels, a belt, pearls and a hair bow! It makes me feel like I'm a grandma from the 50s, in a good way of course.

Keeping with the 50s theme, Heres a little something for you to feast on,
My 50s film-star name is
Rose-Mary Burrows.

Bet you’ll never find out how I worked that out.
(your Mum/Dad’s name and the first street/road you lived on)
What would your names be? x

Sorry, another thing I forgot to mention earlier ...
I'm not going to cut the shorts which I wore in the previous post as all of you guys think they're great anyway and I don't want to spoil them if I accidently cut the wrong part - which, knowing me, I would do!

Also, how do you tag or be tagged because I would really like to tag a few bloggers who I love and also I love answeing questions.
Another one of my geeky secrets ...

Soph xxx


  1. You're too cute! Adorable outfits little lady!

  2. I love the sunglasses, I'm a sunglasses freak. Good to know that you like pigeons as well, I have far too many random pictures of them, and me chasing them. You can stop my blog for a cup of tea any time.

  3. I love your outfit! I hope you keep up with your 50s theme thing=p

    Your sunglasses are super cute, too! I have a similar pair, but it's white/black (red is much cooler=p)

  4. love that purse!

    and the dress looks fantastic! you look too cute with the hairbow

    and i know exactly how you feel about seeing a certain amount of comments - it makes me smile too!

  5. alll your outfits are really cute!how old are you btw? (:

  6. I'm 13 (in august) , thanks for the comments

    do any of you guys know how to tag or be tagged? ...

    sophie x

  7. your dress is so cute! great job heming!!

  8. you can do the tag as well, just post your 5 things that made you happy today and invite some other bloggers to do it as well.
    btw i really like how you made the dress look cute!

  9. I love that Union Jack bag
    My name would be Karen DeLafontaine (French street names souns so posh)
    xxx Milzy

  10. Cute blog! Thanks for stopping by mine :) xx

  11. gorgeous outfit! the colour looks so gorgeous on you :)

  12. i'm in love with your grandma dress!!!!!!!!!! so cute with the pearls! thank you for saying i have a unique blog (just kidding),and i'kll efintly follow yours!

  13. Amazing the color ♥ Croquet...oh how fun is that. Seriously!!!
    On's easy. Post whatever it is you want the others bloggers to do on your blog. Then go to theirs and leave them a comment letting them know they've been tagged. They come back to yours and follow as such. Easy as pie! How this helps :)-

  14. that cloth is sooo cute!!
    love it!

  15. oh :D you look so cute !

  16. You look sooo sooo soo adorable. How long was it before you cut it? I'm loving the change you've made! Just lovelyyyy.

    O my god, cricket LAWL I fail horribly!

  17. Grace Chelsea.

    Hm, I like Chelsea Grace better. xP

    Man, you can pair those beautiful shoes with anything. I really like the dress and necklace and pearls. x)

  18. Hi Sophie, Thanks for your comment - my mum is always tring to pinch that jacket too! You blog is really cute, I ve added you to my links list, so keep blogging x Pearl

  19. Great blog! Its really interesting and full of nice things.
    Really beautifuldresss, I love anything that came from the 50's. So elegant. I especially love all of Dior's new look.
    Thanks for the really lovely comment. I would send you my bedroom, but I think the postage might be quite alot (:
    And the book is really good, its definitely worth getting if you're interested in fashion and figures in fashion. You can also get a much smaller version.

  20. that union jack purse is a gem! i love your style.

  21. You look adorable so innocent.. very Alice in wonderland like!

  22. loveely dress .
    linked your blog too,
    ill definatly be coming back!
