Brighton has to be one of my favourite places, and with lovely weather, it was an amazing day out. I spent most of my time inside the quirky shops, which are found in the Lanes, I love them because of their uniqueness, you can only get those types of things in Brighton.
I spent nearly an hour and a half trecking round a shop which originally I though was full of 'junk' - they had vintage playboy issues, boxes full of old photographs (wish I did love) and every single episode of friends on video tapes. But, I found too many vintage/retro treasures and it because one of my favourite shops.

I didn't buy anything but came close to buying a white lace blouse and a cameo necklace but then decided against it because although both items were under 10 pounds, the blouse didn't fit and wasn't in great condition and I already have my share of cameo!

I visited my favourite fudge shop, and bought 200 grams of delicious, fresh vanilla fudge (I'm trying to eat all naughty food before I get my braces on monday!) and then had a coffe in a sweet cafe called 'inside out'.

After visiting a few more shops, one including a hat shop and a party shop we decided to go up to the pier where of course I spend many 2p's in the arcade and couldn't resisit going down the helter-skelter which I always used to do as a little girl.
Settled on the beach, and had the classic Brighton meal of fish and chips before running away because really large sea gulls were coming a bit too close for my liking!

Not a very fashion-filled post but I am heading to the relm of vintage tomorrow (Cheshire Street & Brick Lane) to spend some birthday money!
Second of all -
I've been tagged by the lovely Laura of buttonsandribbons.blogspot.com!
So here are 10 facts about me -
1 - I am scared of growing up. Sometimes I wish I could actually join Peter Pan in Never Never Land and stay a child. I think the prospect of age and responsability is too daughting.
2 - I prefer night to day, I always feel more inspired and awake at night.
3 - I scream whenever I see a spider. Period.
4 - I never really thought I would be the type of person who would end up having a blog - and a successful one at that!
5 - Unlike most people my age, I love old bands such as David Bowie, the Who, the Smiths, the Clash, Blur and so the list goes on ...
6 - I'm a real nerd for photography.
7 - Right now I'm in my living room eating popcorn (like I always do), blogging whilst watching little miss Sunshine.
8 - I'm planning to write to Vivienne Westwood.
9 - I'm considered a shy girl and I barely speak to people who I don't know but as soon as you get to know me I can't stop talking!
10 - As a child, I believed in faires and I think that a part of me still does!
Ok, so now for the tagging -
I am going to tag Roz of clothes cameras and coffee, rosa of j'adore mode and sadie from sadies wardrobe!
Toodle Pip - Sophie xxx