Tuesday, 27 October 2009
The Queen of Hearts plays croquet using hedgehogs and flamingos.
So please visit and support me on my new blog -
All my loving and patience;
Sunday, 27 September 2009
the london fashion week post

Wednesday, 23 September 2009
sunshine daises, butter mellow ....

Thursday, 3 September 2009
Itsy - Bity Spider went up the water spout ...

This hasn't been the most detailed blog post but there should be some good ones soon, I'm planning to do something to do with london fashion week, there's also another Anita's vintage fashion fair coming up and I should be going to Camden in a couple of weeks time.
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
she had nothing but the red baloon. and then that too, perished.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009
A vampire amongst zombies.

In the end I limited myself to two beautiful pieces. The first is a off-white coloured cardigan with lace, bow and pearl beads detailing, I just love how its so detailed and pretty. Its from the laden showroom, on of my favourite shops where, whenever I go to brick lane, I always buy something.

Again, I know this hasn't been the most fashion-filled post but I am planning to do a photo shoot soon!
How was your weekend?
Sophie xxx
Saturday, 22 August 2009
No place for a paper doll.

I spent nearly an hour and a half trecking round a shop which originally I though was full of 'junk' - they had vintage playboy issues, boxes full of old photographs (wish I did love) and every single episode of friends on video tapes. But, I found too many vintage/retro treasures and it because one of my favourite shops.

Not a very fashion-filled post but I am heading to the relm of vintage tomorrow (Cheshire Street & Brick Lane) to spend some birthday money!

So here are 10 facts about me -
1 - I am scared of growing up. Sometimes I wish I could actually join Peter Pan in Never Never Land and stay a child. I think the prospect of age and responsability is too daughting.
2 - I prefer night to day, I always feel more inspired and awake at night.
3 - I scream whenever I see a spider. Period.
4 - I never really thought I would be the type of person who would end up having a blog - and a successful one at that!
5 - Unlike most people my age, I love old bands such as David Bowie, the Who, the Smiths, the Clash, Blur and so the list goes on ...
6 - I'm a real nerd for photography.
7 - Right now I'm in my living room eating popcorn (like I always do), blogging whilst watching little miss Sunshine.
8 - I'm planning to write to Vivienne Westwood.
9 - I'm considered a shy girl and I barely speak to people who I don't know but as soon as you get to know me I can't stop talking!
10 - As a child, I believed in faires and I think that a part of me still does!
Ok, so now for the tagging -
I am going to tag Roz of clothes cameras and coffee, rosa of j'adore mode and sadie from sadies wardrobe!
Toodle Pip - Sophie xxx
Thursday, 20 August 2009
All of us are lost in darkness. Dreamers lern to steer by the stars.

Had my usual late teenage start today and decided what better way to start the day with a peice of leftover birthday cake and a cup of hot tea?
I also managed to sneak spoonfuls of delicious golden syrup throughout the day, I'm not sure what I love more - the sweet taste or the rich colour which makes patterns when you let it dribble off the spoon?

I went out to the high street and watched the world go bye for fifteen minutes before deciding to do a charity shop raid, I purchased a dogtooth top which was originally from wharehouse for under 4 pounds which was good value for a top in its condition. I'll save it to show you for a rainy day.
My Mum maid my sister and I do our chores which I didn't mind too much, all I had to do was organize our photo albums and whilst doing so I found a 'Brownie six-20 camera, model C made by kodak limited'. It's a huge chunky retro thing the size of a brick and had a musky leather scent which I love. It was my great grandads camera from around 70 years ago.
Still, I'm determind to get it working because, acording to my Dad, its results are stunning.
In the meantime - heres some of my vintage finds including the cream 1920s styled hat with bow detailing and of course the lilac dress with the fur (scarf?) which I found in a box of my Mums - she still doesn't know I've taken it!

Monday, 17 August 2009
The Birthday Post.

Ok, my birthday was yesterday but I was a bit too busy to do a blog post on the actual day, so I'm taking the time today. It was a pretty early start, I guess my excitement was my alarm clock, I woke up the household which was followed by opening my pressies.
I was a bit spoiled - a white wrought metal manikin which was beautifully detailed, its already covered in my jewelery and vintage hat, two DvDs (vicky christina barcelona, which I have already watched three times and Audrey Hepburn's 'how to steal a million'). I also got some lace tights, catch kidson floral tissues (?) loads of keyrings, charms and other rather random things.
The rest of the morning was spent making cakes and decorating our garden, with the bunting which took my mother and I three hours to make, and then we had my birthday bbq where all of my family (oh and next door neighbors!). It was lovely, and the weather even turned out to be ok.

Also, my cousin told me that I share the same birthday as Madonna, so happy birthday Madge!
How did you lovlies spend augusut the 16th?

Sophie xxx
Thursday, 13 August 2009
some like it hot
After three weeks of lolling in the swimming pool and sun (yes! sun!) and putting my [very bad] spanish speaking skills to practice, it feels a little odd to be back in my room, munching and popcorn and typing this wheras a few hours ago I was eating tapas. Lots of tapas. As well as paella, parmier biscuits and warm chorus dipped in lovely cafe con leches. I'm craving them already. I guess I didn't waiste all my time - some of my precious spanish hours were spend going to a midnight fiesta, watching madesgar 2 in spanish in a park and going shopping, well you could call it shopping but the only shops around are ... hmm ... for slightly older people. My lazier days were suplied by countless magazines (i.e. teen vouge, elle, instyle, two issues of look and glamour) as well as Sylvia's Plaths, the bell jar, slightly disturbing but amazing non the less.
The holiday blues have already got to me but not for much longer as its my birthday on sunday!
um heres a few pictures (out of the 70) that I took in spain:

Monday, 20 July 2009
Happiness hit her like a train on a track

Sun shining. Double decker red bus. Dragging my Mum to Kensington. No time for Portabello. Popped into urban outfitters. Love that shop. Fell in love with everything. I mean everything. Tried on a cute grey dress but decided against it as have already somehow managed to spend almost all of my money. Hat nearly blew away. Got some starbucks. Went and sat on the sun loungers by the lake in Kensington gardens. Ran away when the man came over (we had to pay to sit on the sun loungers). Got more starbucks. Forgot sunglasses - hence the squinting. Went into American Apparel. Left american apparel. Truthfully, I find it rather boring in there. Got the bus back. Got an ice cream. Went home and ended up watching breakfast at Tiffanies and Roman Holiday back to back.
I'm too lazy to even write in full sentences, whoops!
Just wanted to say thankyou for the lovely lovely comments and the advice on how to tag, I think I understand it all now. Also, some of your '50s film star names' are pretty fantastic!
How was your monday?
Sophie xxx
This is probably the last post before I leave for the slightly sunnier land of Spain for three weeks - hopefully I will come back with a bit of a tan and lovely pictures to show you all! x
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Like a sour cherry cake ...

My 50s film-star name is
Rose-Mary Burrows.
Bet you’ll never find out how I worked that out.
(your Mum/Dad’s name and the first street/road you lived on)