I guess I've been a bit naughty, leaving my friend's present to the pretty much last minute, (I forgot because my swallow necklace broke, I know it was only from primark after all but still). But I'm sure it was all worth it and this very second she is mentally thanking me for her cute presents (joking if your reading Ella!). I attempted to wake up early (it didn't go well) and when I eventually got out the door (2 hours later) and of course was hit by a big gust of wind ruining all of my efforts of making my hair as close to perfect as it could get and then when I turn a corner it has to blow the other way causing the really annoying hair-lipgloss fiasco. When I eventually reached the tube station; I saw the reflection of myself in a shop window. It was not a pretty sight. Camden was not as busy as it was the last time as I went, but then again, I did foolishly decided to go in the Easter holidays where your feet were trampled sore by the end.
I got carried away (as per usual) by the market stools and couldn't help but buy a really cute sow-on swallow patch and two nautical anchor broaches from this really cool stool in the electric ballroom called compulsive behaviour. I pulled myself away from almost buying a really cute gingham dress which was offered for me for £15 instead of £20 and focused on getting the presents. I didn't realize I had my camera on me until I was already on my way back to the Camden station so I quickly snapped some very bad pictures.
After running back home, looking very stupid (hair in face, skirt probably turning all the way around and struggling under handfuls of shopping bags). I added the finishing touches to my hat, here it is by the way: I know its not strictly a 'hat' as such but it took a lot of time and effort and feathers ...

I quickly managed to sort out my hair and almost breaking my comb with all of the knots in my hair, wrapped Ella's presents (hope she likes them), got changed into my outfit including the amazing fate-filled H&M skirt and went to Rosie's house to 'properly' get ready.

This outfit is totally random - but I just love my black lace shirt except it just looks like a normal shirt for some reason. I probably wouldn't wear it with that skirt out, it looks too dark and when I added the bag for a hint of colour it just didn't fit it ...
These two are just nautical inspired - I think I would have to wear the first outfit with shorts or skirts as it is a bit too high at the back.

The party was amazing, lots of people in very 'mad' hats, I'm talking big Mexican hats (just forgotten their proper names but hey), top hats, oversized bows and this boy with an afro died his hair pink, green and blue, very interesting ... (he did win a toblerone at the end though for having the best boys mad 'hat' so I guess it was worth it) I would post some pictures but my camera is playing up and doesn't want to seem to upload onto the laptop, or maybe its just me and technology not mixing ... My pictures don't really make a different anyway, facebook is literally exploding with every party guest uploading 80+ pictures each ...
Anyway, back to the party, Ella looked amazing wearing a cream coloured floor-length dress and a white top hat which she decorated very brilliantly! Any where I looked was H&M though (dresses particularly) and I had a very deep conversation with Evie (a friend who I haven't mention yet) who was wearing a v. cute H&M dress with a black top and a ruffle bronze skirt, about how H&M is really going up in our books (well mine anyway). All in all it was a very good night, so one last time (happy birthday Ella!)

Moving on ..
Yes, white tights! Ahhhh! I couldn't resist, I been wanting some for ages and they seem to be pretty much everywhere. The last time I wore a pair was when I was five and had a small phase obsessive phases where I wanted to be a ballirina! I'd say they are defiantly not flattering, they don't slim your legs like black does so be warned - I didn't think of that until I actually put them on but I love them non the less. So here I am trying them on with a couple of outfits, these outfits are completely random and I know I would have survived if I would have just said 'I have white tights' and left it. But I didn't. I take every opportunity to dress up!

One thing which is really confusing me is pastels. I remember, just after christmas, going into H&M and everysingle rail and shelf was covered in pastels. I don't have a huge problem withpastels, but I wouldn't go mad for them either as they tend to wash me out so I wasn't really looking forward to a pastel - mania summer. But where has it all gone? I haven't seen anything - its all florals, nautical, jumpsuites, etc. When I went into H&M recently, the small amount of pastels left was going for a very small price on the sale rack. I guess buyers weren't ready for the pastel wave, maybe it will hit next year ...

This outfit is totally random - but I just love my black lace shirt except it just looks like a normal shirt for some reason. I probably wouldn't wear it with that skirt out, it looks too dark and when I added the bag for a hint of colour it just didn't fit it ...
These two are just nautical inspired - I think I would have to wear the first outfit with shorts or skirts as it is a bit too high at the back.
I don't read vouge, I don't have the time and to be honest I don't realy want to spend four quid on loads of fashion adverts (is that bad considering I'm supposed to love fashion?) But I've found treasure, in my attic! (Is it just me, or does everything great come out of my loft?) Anyway, my Mum has stored up vouges from the early 90s to about 2005! I nearly fell through the roof and hit my head (3 times) on some low beems, as well as choking on some dust but the issues were amazing, including the special gold and silver issues! AHHHH! I'm hyperventalating just looking at this picture right now ...

Aren't those lips amazing, I think Dior has gone a bit far with the sequins but hey! isn't that what fahsion's all about? I still have like 30 more issues to go through although I must say I'm getting a bit bored of all of these things that I see and like but can't buy because 1. they are from ages ago and are well out of stock and 2. their prices are sky - high and I the only designer thing I can afford is nail polish! X
You're very pretty :)
ReplyDeleteI was trying to comment on your nautical post but I think you have deleted it? I love nautical clothes loads!
thankyou! I'm going to re-post the nautical post soon with more fahshion info!